Pets Beat Out Celebrities At Mettalusso PR Event!
Had the most fascinating experience this week. Huge PR event. Was digital. It was awesome and I was really excited to share the “real” launch of Mettalusso – FINALLY after a year of the soft launch through Covid.
Most of you know that Mettalusso is the world’s first brand of glam vegan beauty with products for people and pets. AND…. you know that I have a background in developing and marketing products for celebrities.
Here’s how it went.

I was so nervous, as this was my 1st big event for the company. I completely over-prepared. After my entire presentation- guess what all the questions were on—–you guessed it——–THE PETS!!!!! There were literally ZERO questions about my celebrity brand management background.
It made me so happy. People love pets more than they love celebrities. But, we always knew that— right??!??
You can catch the video presentation below.