#metoo 2018 vs. 2022; Heard Vs. Depp
You have heard- and probably seen - the endless courtroom clips of Amber Heard and Johnny Depp tearing each other apart. The Jury just went to deliberations as I type this post! They basically are suing each other for huge sums of money over domestic violence and false allegations.
Amber Heard kicked off the whole issue with her 2018 Washington Times article on domestic abuse. Johnny Depp has refused to be openly accused of such a thing.
So here we go.
The present got me to thinking of the past. Back in 2018, the topic of women/domestic abuse/sexual harassment was in full speed. We all watched as it seemed every allegation was a done-deal "guilty" in the court of public opinion and beyond. Some also say it was the fuel to the genesis of cancel culture as well.
In 2017/2018, there are a lot of very high profile #metoo events that were covered extensively covered:
- Bill Cosby got a 30-year sentence for sexual assault.
- While in hope of becoming a supreme court judge, Brett Kavanaugh sat through hours of accusations from Christine Blasey Ford.
- Les Moonves, the head of CBS, stepped down due to sexual misconduct reports.
- Famed Chef, Mario Batali stepped away from all his media engagements and 3 restaurants closed down.
- Another CBS stalwart, Charlie Rose, faced his allegations of sexual harassments and CBS suspended him.
- In a statement to the New York Times, comedian Louis C.K. admitted to masturbating in front of 5 women.
- Kevin Spacey also was reported as "predatory" against a 14 year old male- AND just last night there are more reports coming out on him from the UK.
- Harvey Weinstein- the maker of some of our most memorable movies- The New Yorker Magazine published that an additional 13 MORE women come forward with accusations that included three accounts of rape.