Goop, Detox Market Give 'Common Sense' Rules @BeautyTechLA
METTALUSSO MEDIA reports on LA beauty and fashion. The recent Los Angeles FaB Event by @BeautyTechLA was full of good vibes and good feedback at its second annual gathering.
It was easy to enjoy the breezy late summer weather, beautiful nosh, open bar and secluded ocean-view rooftop. The stage was set for relaxed industry camaraderie.
Beauty start-ups and indie brands are hot topics. The event pressed evenly on two leading issues. For start-ups raising capital, the dedicated panelists offered detailed direction along with their humorous and humbling personal experiences.
For the consumer-minded, it was an effort to articulate a single definition of 'clean beauty'. Just like the term 'natural', 'clean beauty' also holds no exacting legal framework. Panelists shared their individual stories of what clean beauty means to their brand and how they authenticate that with their consumer.
In near verbal unison, Romain Gaillard, founder of The Detox Market and Elise Loehnen, Chief Content Officer, Goop, offered their guidance on the matter. Gaillard and Loehnen, stated "...let common sense...be your best guide", and that the consumer should look closely into all that the brand stands for. They then elaborated on the extreme extent that goes into vetting the brands that they each carry.
The brands nodded enthusiastically and described the process as the most vigorous they had ever been through.
Although 'clean beauty' has no one single or legal definition, gatekeepers like Goop and Detox Market make the effort of finding it much easier.